The indigenous natives of Australia called it the “fever tree”.

What’s so magical about the Eucalyptus oil that we can learn…

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

The indigenous natives of Australia called it the “fever tree”. What’s so magical about the Eucalyptus oil that we can learn from the natives of Australia?

Within the growing trend of Aromatherapy at home, Eucalyptus Essential Oil has earned a permanent place in every household’s bathroom cabinet. Most of us recognise Eucalyptus oil for its excellent decongestant qualities but is there more to this wonder of aromatic oil than what meets the eye initially?

Eucalyptus is also known by it’s bio name Eucalyptus Globulus.

Eucalyptus carries the excellent qualities of not only instant decongestant effect but also packed with versatile febrifuge (fever reducing), expectorant (cough relieving), analgesic (muscle pain relief), and antispasmodic (muscle spasm reducing) qualities.

Greek translation of “eucalyptos” meaning “well covered” reveals it’s ability to arch across many health benefits.

It is also known for its ability to act as a natural antioxidant protection whilst help improve respiratory circulation. Its anti-inflammatory qualities can help muscles relax and heal.

No wonder the native Australians called it the magical “fever tree” for its renowned immune boosting qualities.

Don’t forget to stock up on this “must-have” magical Eucalyptus oil to help fight those fever days in the cold winters!


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